The Silver Bullets for Healing Adrenal Fatigue

It has been over three years since I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, and I am happy to report that although I am not fully healed, I am back to work and doing much better than I was three years ago!

People often want to know the secret to healing adrenals, but what they are looking for is a way to speed up recovery, a silver bullet.

I wish I could say that time was not a factor in healing. However, by following the advice on this website, you can advance your healing. I believe that all of the information contained here is important, and all of it should be followed. However, if I were to list what I believed to be the most essential components of healing for adrenal fatigue, the following things come to mind:

1) Diet. This is the most difficult aspect of healing. Those of us with adrenal fatigue feel as though our lives have been taken from us. Food is one of the few comforts we have left. However, if your digestive system is reacting to some of the foods that you are eating, or if you aren’t getting enough nutrition, your body won’t have the resources needed to heal. I don’t know of a cookie-cutter diet for all people with adrenal fatigue. I do believe that testing for food sensitivities and eliminating grains are wise choices. I fought my doctor on cutting grains for years. When I finally gave in and eliminated grains, I noticed that my skin cleared up and my sinuses and ears cleared.

2) Vitamin C. I can’t stress enough how important Vitamin C is for adrenal fatigue. Your adrenals need Vitamin C to function, and your body uses more Vitamin C while under stress. I can’t logically see how anyone with adrenal fatigue can recover without taking it, and for adrenal fatigue sufferers, we usually need large quantities of it. I noticed an improvement in my health when I upped my dosage to 6,000mg daily.

3) Licorice. I began drinking a licorice tea each morning. Licorice strengthens the adrenals. The benefit of taking licorice in a liquid form is that if you GI track isn’t functioning optimally, there is nothing to hinder absorption in a liquid form. After starting the licorice tea, I started feeling stronger.

4) Rest. Getting 8 hours of sleep each night is important. So is getting naps. I still take a daily nap unless it is impossible because of work.

5) Play. Having fun reduces stress, brings the body from a state of tension to a state of calm, and enhances healing. I met a new group of friends with similar interests, and as it turned out, 2013 was probably the most fun year of my life, even though I still had adrenal fatigue! All the enjoyment and laughter helped my body get stronger.

6) Spiritual Life. I wouldn’t be able to handle the stress that is exacerbated by this condition without regular prayer and a relationship with my Creator.

If you only did those six things, you would be doing your adrenals a great amount of good!