Skip the OJ and Increase Your Vitamin C

Vitamin C may be the most important vitamin for optimal health. It has 46 different beneficial effects, including fighting infections, turning off cancer cells, slowing vascular damage, detoxifying the body and much more. However, most people are not getting adequate levels of Vitamin C. Part of the reason may be due to the fact that Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, which means you can’t store it in your body. Therefore, your body needs Vitamin C every day. If you are suffering from a condition such as adrenal fatigue, the need for Vitamin C is even greater.

Many holistic doctors believe that the recommended dosage of 90 mg for Vitamin C is too low. One side effect of Vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. Interestingly, hard arteries, premature aging, bleeding gums, joint pain and poor immune system could be signs of subclinical scurvy. If that’s the case, then many of these conditions can be prevented or cured by simply getting adequate amounts of Vitamin C.

How much Vitamin C is needed varies from person to person, mostly because different people are in different states of health. One way to determine how much you need is by performing the bowel tolerance test. Simply increase your Vitamin C by 1000mg each day until you experience loose stools. At this point, you have exceeded your maximum Vitamin C absorption level. Decrease your intake by 1000mg a day until you have no more loose stools. It is also best to spread out your dosage of Vitamin C throughout the day as it is used quickly by the body. As you recover from illness, your need for Vitamin C will decrease.

Vitamin C in a Carton?

So where is the best place to get Vitamin C? Food sources are always better than supplements because the body recognizes the difference between natural and unnatural nutrients, and it responds best to natural nutrients. You can take supplements, but it’s best to take them in addition to a food source, not as a substitute.

You most likely envisioned a glass of orange juice as a delicious, easy solution. This is no doubt due to the clever marketing campaign of the orange juice industry. Oranges do have a decent amount of Vitamin C, but you won’t be doing your body any favors by loading up on store-bought orange juice.

Once fruit is juiced, it begins to oxidize. This oxidization process causes the juice to loose vital enzymes and nutrients. In fact, those who juice at home know that you need to drink your juice within 20-30 minutes of juicing. Packaged juice has been sitting around longer.

Furthermore, store-bought orange juice is usually pasteurized. Pasteurization involves heating the juice to a high temperature to kill any bacteria, mold or micro-organisms that may be in the juice. Pasteurization also kills the raw vitamins, minerals and enzymes, leaving an insignificant amount behind. Have you ever wondered why you often see ascorbic acid in the list of ingredients on a carton of orange juice? The manufactures are putting in the Vitamin C that was lot during pasteurization.

It is also worth noting that ascorbic acid is the synthetic version
of L-ascorbic acid, or Vitamin C. So by drinking store-bought orange juice, you are simply taking a synthetic supplement with sugar water.

Finally, oranges are one of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops. Juice makers will often make juice out the entire orange, including the skin. That means you are consuming a host of pesticides with every glass.

The Best Sources

If you are going to drink orange juice, you will need to juice in order to get the natural form of Vitamin C that your body craves. To avoid pesticides, either buy organic or peel the skin off. Keep in mind, however, that it takes a lot of fruit to make juice. Fruit has fructose, a natural sugar. Natural sugar is still sugar, and it should be consumed in moderation. You will need 4-5 oranges to make a glass of juice, depending on the size. That amounts to a lot of sugar! You would be better off using one orange and mixing it with vegetables.

If you are not sold on the concept of juicing, then try  opting for raw fruits and vegetables. In this case, eating an orange is a good way to get Vitamin C. However, there are fruits and vegetables that are actually higher in Vitamin C than oranges. Here is a list (remember, cooking will kill some of the Vitamin C, so it’s best to consume these raw):

Yellow bell peppers- 341mg each

Red bell peppers- 209mg each

Kiwi- 164mg per cup, 84 mg each

Green bell peppers- 132mg each

Guavas- 126mg each

Strawberries- 98mg per cup sliced, 11mg in single strawberry

Oranges- 98mg per cup

Papaya- 87 mg per cup, cubed, 188 mg in a medium size papaya

Broccoli- 81mg per cup chopped

Kale- 80mg per cup chopped

Cauliflower- 46mg per cup

Clementines or tangerines- 36mg each

Garden Cress- 35mg per cup chopped

Mustard greens- 29mg per cup chopped

A daily salad with Kale and a variety of bell peppers would make an easy, delicious solution. Kale takes some getting used to, so you might want to begin by mixing it with Romaine lettuce.

Choosing to eat raw foods that are high in Vitamin C is an excellent choice for improving health and energy. May you enjoy rediscovering great food sources that are missing from your current diet!


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