Juice Your Way to Health

In my previous post, I briefly mentioned juicing as a healthy way to get vitamin C. Today, I want to talk more about the benefits of juicing. Juicing is a healthy choice for everyone, but especially for those who have chronic fatigue and other health conditions.

What Exactly is Juicing and What are the Benefits?

Juicing is not to be confused with blending. Blending is what happens when you toss fruit or vegetable pieces into a blender and then process the fiber and the juice together. This is what happens when you make a smoothie. Juicing involves placing the entire fruit or vegetable into a juicer. The fiber is removed from the juice and the end result is liquid.

Although we need fiber in our diets, juicing is by far superior to blending. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Many people have impaired digestive systems due to food allergies, stress, decline in digestive enzymes, or an imbalance in intestinal flora. In fact, many people are unaware that their impaired digestive systems are keeping them from absorbing significant amounts of nutrients from their food. This is where juicing is a great benefit. When your food is turned into a liquid form, there is nothing to inhibit digestion. Your body is thus able to absorb all of the nutrients that are in the juice.
  2. When you drink your vegetables, your digestive system does not have to produce digestive enzymes to break down the food because they are present in the juice. This is helpful for those who are lacking the necessary digestive enzymes.
  3. Juicing releases antioxidant benefits and detoxifies your body. Toxins, preservatives, and chemicals are flushed out.
  4. There are vital nutrients locked inside the indigestible fiber of vegetables. Juicing unlocks those nutrients, providing a concentrated form of nutrition.
  5. Most of us are not getting the 6-8 recommended servings of vegetables each day. However, juicing allows you to consume several servings of vegetables in one glass of juice.
  6. Cooking destroys many of the nutrients available in vegetables, so it is best to consume them raw. Juicing is one way to consume raw vegetables.

Impaired digestion can cause irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and other health conditions. Those with poor health should seriously consider juicing.

How to Begin

You will need a juicer, not a blender. Beginners are encouraged to purchase a medium priced juicer before they decide if this is a habit they are going to keep up.

Please keep in mind that juicing is not a meal replacement. Juice does not offer proteins or fats that are needed by the body. However, regular glasses of juice throughout the day will make you feel more satisfied and less inclined to eat because your body is getting the nutrients it needs.

Juicing should involve mainly vegetables, not fruit. Most fruits are high in fructose, and high amounts of fructose can lead to hormonal imbalance and fatigue. The exceptions are lemons and limes, which have low amounts of fructose.

When you juice, you don’t want to drink pesticides. It is best to buy organic produce. However, not everyone can afford organic produce. The following is a list of vegetables that are the worst offenders in terms of pesticides, with the worst offenders listed first. Make sure you buy these organic. Other vegetables can be non-organic if cost is an issue.

  1. Celery
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale
  4. Collard Greens
  5. Lettuce
  6. Carrots
  7. Cucumber (unless you peel the skin)

Juice needs to be consumed within 15-20 minutes of juicing since it is sensitive to oxidation. You can store it if you are careful. Here is a helpful link that will teach you how to store your juice (hint, a pitcher won’t work!): http://girlonraw.com/2011/05/how-to-save-your-juice-juicing-and-storing-fresh-made-juice/

It is also important to know that when you juice, your body may go through a period of detoxification. Symptoms of detox include fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, and headaches. This can last from a few days to a few weeks. This is common so don’t give up as it will pass once your body finishes detoxifying itself. You may want to limit your physical activity and rest often during this time.  If the detox symptoms are too strong, cut back on your juice until your body tolerates it better.


Some of the healthiest vegetables are bitter, such as kale. A great way of removing the bitter taste is to use lemons and limes. They sweeten up the juice but have low fructose. You can also use an apple, but lemons and limes have the lowest amount of fructose.

The best way to drink your fresh juice is on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes prior to eating.

Clean your juicer right after use to prevent mold growth. A good juicer should take 5 minutes to clean. If it takes longer, it will probably take the joy out of juicing for you.

Remember that juice doesn’t have fiber. You still need to eat raw vegetables in order to get fiber.

Time to Adjust

For those who are used to a diet rich in sugar and processed food, the idea of drinking vegetables may not sound too appealing. However, once you make healthy changes to your diet, your cravings will change as well. I used to eat Peanut Butter Cups for lunch, and now they taste like chemicals to me! I love my juice and I don’t need to sweeten it with anything but lemon. So give yourself time, and think of all the great nutrients you are finally giving your body!

3 thoughts on “Juice Your Way to Health”

  1. Awesome blog! I have to share that I was drinking “mean green” from “Fat, Sick, and nearly Dead” for an entire day. I was also making a pineapple juice with kale, cilantro, and lime in the mornings for a while. But, someone reminded me that a lot of raw greens are goitrogenic for thyroid sufferers. So, i’m on the fence about drinking green juices. I’m leaning toward continuing it at least once a day. But, I’ll let you know if over time I feel that my thyroid function is diminishing. I did notice when i used to get millet bread that I would become extra tired, as millet is a major goitrogen.

  2. Awesome article. And juicing heals the incurables.  It is part of the incurables program, a glass of juice per hour.  Mostly green  juices, with one juice being carrot.


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